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Halloween Safety: Tips for Trick-or-Treaters

Halloween Safety
Tips for Trick-or-Treaters

Halloween is just around the corner, which means families everywhere are anticipating an evening of trick-or-treating in their neighborhoods. Before you head out for the evening, make this year’s haunted holiday as safe and fun as can be with these great tips:

  1. Always walk with a group and/or with a parent or trusted adult. Trick-or-treating alone can be unsafe or you may get lost if you’re not familiar with the neighborhood. Costumes may also make it difficult to recognize someone you know, so always travel with a buddy for added safety.
  2. Before digging in, have a parent or trusted adult inspect your candy haul. Though tampering is rare, you don’t any surprises when biting into a Snickers bar!
  3. Look both ways when crossing streets and always be aware of your surroundings. Passing cars may have a hard time spotting a pedestrian at night, especially if you’re wearing a dark costume.
  4. To emphasize the last tip, you should always have a flashlight, reflective tape, or glow sticks to help you stand out in the dark. This will help other trick-or-treaters and passing cars notice you as you cross paths.
  5. Pass on stopping at houses with lights turned off or no holiday decorations, as they may not be home or may not celebrate the holiday.
  6. Never enter a home of a person you don’t know, unless a parent or trusted adult is with you. Otherwise, kindly decline and keep on moving.
  7. Wear well-fitting masks, costumes, and shoes to avoid blocked vision, trips or falls. Masks can sometimes distort your peripheral vision or depth perception, so it can be a good idea to take them off when walking from house to house.

Following these helpful tips can help prevent any interruptions while you venture through the spooky delights in your neighborhood. A safe evening of trick-or-treating will be sure to bring the fun this Halloween. From everyone at UNCLE Credit Union, Happy Halloween!

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